I’m surprised this is not more important to us.
I enjoy the opportunities in my job to listen to future home buyers describe what they want in a home. Frequently, I hear about room sizes, the need for a home office or a bonus room, and a space for the RV. But, surprisingly, few discussions are spent on the need for a serious space for storage.
Let’s face it: we’re a culture of serious collectors of “stuff”. My parents (I’m in my 50’s) and their generation had unfinished attics and basements to store the stuff. Back then the tool bench, lawnmower, and car owned the garage. Today, absent the basement and attic, we’ve kicked the car outside and the garage has been the home of our collectibles.
Do you dream of a garage with well organized storage and reclaimed by the family car? If you plan to have your next home as new construction, then don’t forget adding storage solutions into the discussion with your builder. This need not be just vertical shelves hanging from walls. There may be attic space above the garage. Adding square feet to overall floor space may be a key solution. First, determine your needs. If your builder has a designer on staff, then make an appointment to see what is possible. I think you’ll find it is a reasonable amount of money very well spent.