We Need Your Vote
The Register-Guard’s annual Reader’s Choice is underway. We made it through the nomination and are in the top five. Thank you to everyone who helped us get this far. We would love to win Best Builder! It’s kind of like the People’s Choice Awards, it means most coming from you.
How to Vote
The voting continues online on the Register Guard’s website thru March 11th. Click on this link to get to the home builder voting page. It is a quick process. Thank you so much!
New to Us?
If you are new our site thank you so much for stopping by and please enjoy learning about our homes. As far as we know we are Oregon’s oldest builder. We hold such a low Contractor License people often think it is a mistake, but CCB#27 is our number. For more than 70 years our family has built homes for families like yours throughout Lane County. We are so grateful especially to play a role in building Eugene/Springfield.
Please check out River Heights in Hayden Bridge our current neighborhood project. It is a gorgeous location.