Questions about House Size? We have Answers!

1st Time Home Buyers, Home Design, Land Issues, Smart Building

What size house can I build in River Heights?

The minimum finished and heated square footage of a home in River Heights is 1,700 square feet. (According to the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs))

Does this mean that I can’t build some of the smaller homes shown in your floor plan section?

No. Our designer can help you expand some of those smaller homes to accommodate that minimum. Obviously, a very small floor plan house (<1,400 sf) is more of a challenge to expand, and we do have certain surface requirements to the lot to maintain, but we make every effort to help you get the house you want on the lot you want.

What are other major considerations in choosing a house plan?

Another important factor in choosing your plan is the grade of the lot. Some of the smaller square footage homes are intended only for flat lots. River Heights, as the name implies, is a hillside development overlooking the McKenzie River. Most of these beautiful lots are sloped in some way.

At this time, we have a handful of lots suitable for flat home plans. If you wish to build a flat plan on a sloped lot it will require additions to the foundation. You would acquire a large crawlspace with potential future storage space – but it might cost more than your budget allows.

These are the kinds of things we work out together so you get the home that works best for you!

How can I use your website to explore options?

You can find the slope/plan type for each lot in this PDF: Lot Details.  Our plans can be organized by grade in Floorplans. Be sure and check out the Neighborhood lot map. We can also customize a plan or custom build, please use our site as a great start.

Call us or our very experienced realtor, Don York with Windermere Real Estate of Lane County, and talk over your wish list. We’d really love to work with you!

Don York 541-954-1620

Breeden’s 541-686-9431