1. You can’t be here to see progress with your home?

Find your home’s album on our Facebook page. We’ll post photos of your home under construction on a regular basis.

2. You’re concerned it will take too long. Decisions, reviewing drawings, more communication and turnaround time will just drag this out.

The Breeden team has worked on processes and tools to make it easier and faster. High technology is a wonderful thing! Digital photos and drawings are just a couple of things we can download in minutes (okay, it’ll take us a few hours).

3. You can only make one or two trips during the construction phase.

In this case, we strongly suggest one visit to be at the “electrical walkthrough.” It is both fun and a critical time to see your home “shape up.” Stud walls are framed and near ready for drywall. But, before drywall begins, all the things that go inside the walls (wiring, plumbing, etc.) need to be reviewed with you.

4. Concerned how your furniture will fit in the new home?

That’s a big deal! Locations for electrical, lighting, phone and cable TV outlets are always dependent on how you want to arrange furniture. We’ll provide the drawings to help with those decisions. And, we’ll schedule a conference call to exchange ideas.

5. What about the close of escrow, signing time and our moving van?

Do I need to do this on my own? We have a checklist of things to schedule and we’ll initiate the calls. If you have a concern as this time nears, just give us a call and we’ll review what is being done.